Sounds like it could be a cute blog name, doesn't it? I don't know what possessed me, but one morning my daughter had put the plums in this triangle later that day it just struck me to take a picture......"Pickles & Plums"....I suppose I should have waited for my "P" week! Oh, well...I just wanted to share now!
Before I go into the legend that I was telling you about in the last post, I have something to ask my dear readers! do you organize your recipes? I've gone through ups & downs...from collecting recipes to just hating to even cook. I beleive I'm on the up side and I think a more organized manner would assist in keeping it on the 'up' side! Maybe I'm odd, but I like to keep original pictures of recipes...say if it's off a can or box that encourages me vs. if I just typed it up on a recipe card. I have a folder with lots of these recipes that I would like to try. I have a recipe box, but my 10-16 year old recipes just don't inspire me (there is a few that are a must though!) I shop for every three weeks (recipe wise)...give or take, but it ends up like that other than pick up items. Oh, one thing I suppose I should mention, I dislike grocery shopping ...always have...actually I don't like shopping of any kind....unless I'm 'shopping' a used book sale or crafts!!! So, maybe you get the idea where I am....many blogs showcase their 'corners'...well, here is my corner to show you what I'm talking about! All this stuff is usually keep in my 'junk paper' drawer with my coupon caddy & scissors. I would love to hear how you organize yours because I need a new way!!