Thanks, D for letting me know about my 4th of July link moved...I found a better place to view what I wanted to share! Just click on 'view video(Windows)''s the full 7 minutes, but if you have time it's WELL worth it!!!!
Made with Aunt Lydia's Classic Crochet Thread, size 5 Boyde steel needle, from a portion of a vintage apron edge pattern.
Ok, confession time....I feel like I'm flunking out of Knit/Crochet the Classics! I can't seem to walk and chew gum at the same time! My mind wasn't right for Pride and Prejudice, I'm getting mad with Wuthering Heights..the dis-function, although almost comical, is getting tiring...and now A Passage to India. (which wasn't my pick, and I voted, so I can complain!) AH, mind isn't in this one either!? Of course, three books mean I should be working on my THIRD project...simply not the case..although I'm working on three projects right now, there is no connection to the reading. SO! ...where am I going with this? -who knows... I think I will be a strong fan and supporter and can't wait to send my stuff to my swap partner!!!...I will do what I can, but concentrate on what I want to complete right now- project and book-wise!
Chose to Move- last week I did very good with only one day without any activity! I added back the treadmill..something I could do early before the heat would just suspend ANY living...(we have no air) so life was a little warm damn hot last week! I did realize something I've never noticed...that when I'm ANTSY I want to eat..not because of hunger..but to just eat to calm myself down! Kind of the opposite of how people are when they are 'bored they eat''s a 'antsy' feeling of can't sit still and just have to do something...usually I clean, but it being so hot inside that just doesn't go knitting on N's purse REALLY helped...speaking of which I forgot a pic and guess who has my camera? This week is called 'Avoiding Traps and Trip-Ups'...each week I'm amazing by the timing of these weekly focus sheets! The first thing on my chart was 'antsy-ness' and 'how to avoid'? KNITTING (or crocheting)! By the way, STAY AWAY FROM anything that has HYDROGENATED (or partially) OILS!!!
...Off to see if I can find some pictures/videos of the arrival at the ISS!
Sounds like your doing great on you choose to move!
Posted by: Rebekah | July 06, 2006 at 01:13 PM